Habits, Routines and Sustainable Lifestyles Summary Report
Darnton A, 2011 'Habits, Routines and Sustainable Lifestyles Summary Report'. A research report completed for the Department for...
The Cantos Notes for CXVII et seq.
Ezra Pound The Cantos Notes for CXVII et seq. For the blue flash and the moments Benedetta the young for the old That is tragedy ...
Snow By Louis MacNeice (1935) The room was suddenly rich and the great bay-window was Spawning snow and pink roses against it Soundlessly...
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode on a Grecian Urn John Keats (May 1819) THOU still unravish’d bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time, ...
Welsh Government Smart Living Collaborative Workshops: Post-Workshop Report
Darnton A, 2015 'Welsh Government Smart Living Collaborative Workshops - Post-Workshop Report' AD Research and Analysis Ltd with the...
Students' Green Fund: reflections on year one
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Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Interventions Review: Final Report
Darnton, A, Battye, F & Scott D 2013 'Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Interventions Review: Final Report'. AD Research & Analysis...
Introduction to Individual, Social and Material (ISM) Tool
Darnton A, Horne J 'Introduction to Individual, Social and Material (ISM) Tool' Please click the image above to download a PDF file #ISMTool
Introducing ISM and Implications for Practice
Darnton A 2014 Presentations to 'The Art of Behaviour Change Symposium' at Aberystwyth University, November 2014 Please click the image...
Influencing Behaviours: A Technical Guide to the ISM Tool
Darnton A, & Evans D 2013 'Influencing Behaviours - A Technical Guide to the ISM Tool' Please click the image above to download a PDF file