Ezra Pound The Cantos Notes for CXVII et seq.
For the blue flash and the moments Benedetta the young for the old That is tragedy And for one beautiful day there was peace. Brancusi’s bird In the hollow of pine trunks or when the snow was like sea foam Twilit sky leaded with elm boughs. Under the Rupe Tarpeia weep out your jealousies – To make a church or an altar to Zagreus [Zaygeus] son of Semele Without jealousy like the double arch of a window Or some great colonnade.
M’amour, m’amour what do I love where are you? That I lost my centre fighting the world. The dreams clash and are shattered - and that I tried to make a paradiso terrestre.
I have tried to write Paradise
Do not move Let the wind speak that is paradise.
Lets the Gods forgive what I have made Let those I love try to forgive What I have made.
La faillite de Francois Bernouard, Paris or a field of larks at Ellegre, “es laissa cader” so high toward the sun and then falling, “de joi sas alas” to set here the roads of France.
Two mice and a moth my guides – To have heard the farfalla gasping as towards a bridge over worlds. That the kings meet in their island, where no food is after flight from the pole. Milkweed the sustenance as to enter Arcanum
To be men not destroyers.