ADR&A is an independent research consultancy specialising in systems change and behavioural theory.
The company is centred around Andrew Darnton working in partnership with specialist associates.
The company’s credentials rest on Andrew’s expertise in behaviour change and systems change, using research and theory to tackle complex policy challenges.
The company directs its efforts towards pressing priorities in the areas of climate change, biodiversity, public health and social justice.
Our skills include:
- Facilitating and leading collaborative change processes and communities of practice
- Teaching behavioural theory across disciplinary boundaries
- Measuring change in complex systems (a.k.a. evaluation)
- Coaching and developing capabilities in systems leadership
- Advising on change processes and interventions: design, delivery, monitoring & evaluation
- Researching the context for change interventions
- Innovating through disruption
For nearly two decades, we have applied models of behaviour and theories of change across diverse policy problems, with a range of partner organisations, including:
- All UK Government departments (except the MoD)
- Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish governments
- Local Authorities
- NDPBs and delivery partners
- VCS organisations
- Private sector businesses
- Third sector bodies
- Social movements
- Academic Institutions